Storm Center

Current Operational Status

Equipment Status as of March 3, 2025
turbine icon
Power - Turbine 5 online, 4 and 6 are available. 5 out of 5 EMDs are available.
pump icon

Drainage pumps - 89 of 93 Major pumps are available.

The major drainage pumps has been revised from 99 to 93. The two pumps located at DPS 17 are dry weather constant duty pumps. Stormwater drainage from the Gentilly area is served by DPS 19. Four of the six major pumps located at DPS Grant have been classified as dry weather constant duty pumps..

pump icon

Water purification – our backup power sources are intended to keep potable water flowing, even if the electric grid is down. If a potable water interruption occurs, we will notify everyone. Turbine 6 is currently online and powering the Carrollton Water Treatment Plant

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Sewer pumping and wastewater treatment – The voluntary water conservation has been lifted as of Friday (9/13/2024) now that the utility's sewer system has adequate pumping capacity.

National Hurricane Center Tracking Map

updated Thursday, March 6, 2025

Pump and Power Status

Equipment Status as of March 3, 2025
turbine icon
Turbine 5 is online, 4 and 6 are available.
emd icon

5 out of 5 EMDs are available

pump icon

89 of 93 Major Pumps are available.

The major drainage pumps have been revised from 99 to 93. The two pumps located at DPS 17 are dry weather constant duty pumps. Stormwater drainage from the Gentilly area is served by DPS 19. Four of the six major pumps located at DPS Grant have been classified as dry weather constant duty pumps.

25Hz Power Generation Capacity

Our older drainage pumps require 25Hz power. The modern standard is 60Hz. Turbine 4, Turbine 5 and our EMDs (back-up generators) generate 25Hz power. We also have Frequency Changers that convert 60Hz power provided by Entergy to 25Hz. The graphic below shows how much 25Hz power we can currently generate with the sources available.

70 MW

Currently Available

44MW of power needed at peak demand

There are known communication issues that are preventing the Pumping and Power dashboard from reflecting the actual pump status.
This is not affecting the pumping capacity at these stations. In the event that there is a widespread power outage, there could be further communication issues that would prevent the Pumping and Power dashboard from updating in real time.

The Drainage Pump Station Status map is best viewed in full-screen mode (and horizontally on mobile). Show Map Fullscreen

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