Work Order Dashboard

This is a beta version of the Work Order Dashboard, which is a tool for customers to view open SWBNO work orders throughout the city. Type in specific addresses or street names to locate work orders in the local area.

This map is updated weekly with the latest work order information. You can zoom in to a specific work order to find out specific information, such as work order number, work order date, problem description and the average number of days to repair. We strive to provide transparency for our customers and want customers to be able to view the issues that they have called in and/or see on their daily commutes throughout the city. We are working to add more capabilities and are requesting user feedback for our beta version of the work order dashboard. You can provide feedback to SWBNO via email at The page will continue to evolve as we add more capabilities and receive user feedback. Thank you!

The Work Order Dashboard Map is best viewed in full-screen mode. Show Map Fullscreen
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