The Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans (SWBNO) has undertaken a multi-year program, the Sewer System Evaluation and Rehabilitation Program (SSERP), to identify and address structural and mechanical deficiencies in the wastewater collection system and to ensure that the system has adequate capacity. These improvements, currently estimated to cost $600 million over a ten year period, are required to comply with Section XV-Clean Water Act Remedial Measures: Comprehensive Collection System Remedial Program of the Consent Decree between the S&WB and the United States Environmental Protection Agency. The Consent Decree was signed in June 1998.
Between 1998 and 2002, two sewer rate increases were approved to fund these improvements. The rate increases were necessary to meet Consent Decree requirements. Both the Board and City Council have worked hard to minimize the impact on customers, but additional rate increases will be needed to continue the program on schedule. Failure to meet required milestones for rehabilitation can result in severe financial penalties being imposed by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Below is a map with all the ongoing sewer work and planned work for the Carrollton Basin as part of the program, which will be updated once a month.
To find more information about your block specifically, please view the information provided on the spreadsheet, which will be updated once a month.
Below, you will find each separate contract/project with the contractor’s name and the projected 2 week lookahead that is provided on a weekly basis. We will update this information as it becomes available each week. Please note that these dates are weather permitting, meaning dates could be pushed back due to inclement weather.
If you do not find your block on the map or spreadsheet, it could be a part of the Joint Infrastructure projects ongoing in the area, as well. You can look up addresses/blocks at their website, For further assistance in locating work on your block / in your neighborhood, please visit our Work Order Dashboard.
Thank you for your patience while we upgrade your sewer system. If you have any questions, please contact Community Outreach at
30228 – Fleming
30229 – BLD
30230 – BLD
30232 – BLD
30233 – Hard Rock Construction
30235 – BLD
30245 – Impetus aka RNGD
30248 – Fleming
30249 – Impetus aka RNGD
30251 – BLD
30252 – BLD
30253 – BLD
30254 – BLD
30255 – Fleming
30256 – Hard Rock Construction
30257 – Wallace C Drennan
30258 – Wallace C Drennan
30259 – Hard Rock Construction
30260 – Hard Rock Construction
30261 – Hard Rock Construction