Press Releases

Traffic Advisory: Multiple Lane Closures on S. Claiborne Ave for Paving Restoration

For Immediate Release: Monday, February 10, 2025 4:32 PM

New Orleans, LA - The Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans (SWBNO) contractor, Cycle Construction, will implement multiple lane closures on S. Claiborne Ave. to accommodate paving operations as the final portion of the Transmission Main project, TM011 - S. Claiborne Louisiana Ave. to Third St. Paving operations will last approximately 3 weeks beginning Tuesday, February 11, 2025, weather permitting. Multiple lanes will be closed on S. Claiborne Ave from Milan St to Second St with one lane open to vehicular traffic while crews work to mill and overlay the roadway followed by striping. 

Access to businesses along S. Claiborne Ave. will remain open during this time.

Signage and traffic control measures such as barrels and fencing are on onsite to direct drivers and pedestrians. Motorists are advised to use caution as large trucks and heavy machinery will be hauling materials in the area. Please do not remove barricades, signage and/or traffic control measures from the construction site. 

We apologize for any inconvenience this project may have caused and appreciate your patience as we complete this work to maintain and improve your water system.

Transmission Water Main Replacement Projects

The replacement of the 48- inch water transmission main in the 2600 - 3300 blocks of S. Claiborne Ave. (TM011 - S. Claiborne Louisiana Ave. to Third St.) is the sixth Transmission Water Main Replacement Project that SWBNO has replaced since 2021.  This transmission main program is funded by FEMA and managed by SWBNO in cooperation with the City of New Orleans as part of the Joint Infrastructure Recovery Roads (JIRR) Program. 

There are five future transmission main projects scheduled. These projects are needed to proactively replace water lines as part of SWBNO’s commitment to infrastructure resiliency and reliability, as outlined in our five-year strategic plan.

Questions about this project or Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans should be directed to 504-52-WATER (92837) or


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