S&WB Launches Social Media

As the 2018 hurricane season commences, the Sewerage & Water Board is taking a new, assertive approach to better supply the public with real-time information during rain events and emergencies, as well as updates on daily operations. We have activated our social media accounts as an integral part of that strategy. You can follow us at:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/SWBNewOrleans

Instagram: @SWBNewOrleans

Twitter: @SWBNewOrleans

We have also created a simple map to guide citizens and customers through the city's Drainage System. Draining New Orleans begins with the catch basins and smaller drainage pipes, which are managed by the Department of Public Works. The water then flows to larger, 36-inch pipes managed by the S&WB and into box culverts and drainage canals before reaching the city's 24 pumping stations.These pumps then send storm water to Lake Pontchartrain and surrounding waterways.

You can view the map here.

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