Pumping and Power Equipment Status

Equipment Status as of July 23, 2024

Major Drainage Pumps:  90 of 99 Major Drainage Pumps Available For Use

Details of pump status:

  • DPS 6 on Orpheum Ave: I pump out of service due to mechanical repairs. 
    • 12 additional drainage pumps available at this station + 2 constant duty pumps
  • DPS 10 at Haynes Blvd. and Shubrick Ave. at Citrus Canal: No. 1 Pump out of service due to refurbishment of pump
    • 3 additional drainage pumps available at this station
  • DPS 13 near Tall Timbers Algiers:  No. 4 Pump on standby for emergency use only.
    • 5 additional drainage pumps available at this station + one constant duty pump
  • DPS 14 at Hayne Blvd and Jahncke Rd: No. 3 and No. 4 Pumps out of service due to mechanical repairs. 
    • 2 additional drainage pumps available at this station
    • Drainage in this area can be addressed via DPS 10, DPS 16 and DPS Dwyer via the Morrison Canal
  • DPS 15 near Intracoastal Waterway and Industrial Pkwy: No. 1 Pump out of service due to repairs to a gearbox.
    • 2 additional drainage pumps available at this station
  • DPS 17 near Florida Ave. and Peoples: Pumps A & D out of service due to issues with the electric motors. 
  • DPS 18 near Maxent Canal and Michoud Bayou: No. 1 Pump out of service due to mechanical repairs. A portable pump has been installed to provide temporary pumping capacity as needed. 
    • 1 additional drainage pump available at this station

Underpass Stations:

At Old Carrollton Underpass Station, two out of three pumps are out of service. A temporary pump has been deployed.

All other underpass pumps are in service. 

Click here for an overview and an interactive map of our drainage system. 


  • Turbine 4 available for use. 
  • Turbine 5 available for use. 
  • Turbine 6 available for use.

EMDs #1, #2,  #3, #4 and #5 are in service. 

Frequency Changer #1 at Carrollton Frequency Changer Facility available for use.

Frequency Changer #2 at Carrollton Water Treatment Plant available for use.

Frequency Changer #3 at Station D available for use.

Frequency Changer # 4 at Station D available for use.

Frequency Changer #3 at Algiers Water Treatment Facility available for use.

Plant Frequency Changer at Carrollton Water Plant out of use due to an electrical issue.

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