Press Releases

Response to Power Complex Funding

For Immediate Release: Friday, September 20, 2024 2:11 PM

NEW ORLEANS, LA - “The Power Complex is the single most important project for the future of New Orleans’ infrastructure, and this funding commitment ensures it will be funded in its entirety. On behalf of our utility and our customers, I extend my deep gratitude to the City Council, Mayor Cantrell, the New Orleans delegation, and Governor Landry for their unwavering commitment to this project,” said Ghassan Korban, Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans (SWBNO) Executive Director. “The Power Complex will provide reliable, cost-effective electricity for the drinking water and drainage systems that serve our city every day, and, just as importantly, it will give our customers more peace of mind during hurricanes and major rain events.”

When the Power Complex comes online in summer 2025, it will replace SWBNO’s most vulnerable power generation equipment and ensure the utility can reliably operate the drainage pumps that are vital to protecting New Orleans from flooding. This milestone is possible thanks to an unprecedented collaboration among local, state, and federal agencies, pooling resources from eight funding streams, including State Capital Outlay, HUD Earmark, HUD/CDBG, City Funds, Fair Share dollars, Drainage Bonds, FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, and SWBNO funds.

The funding approved by the City Council will act as a local match for a state grant, unlocking a total of $34 million in additional resources. This funding will enable future improvements to the Power Complex, including connecting this more reliable power source to our drinking water systems, further enhancing the resilience of New Orleans.

For more details on the Power Complex and its benefits, visit


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