Press Releases

Traffic Advisory: Updated Lane Closures on S Claiborne Avenue, Earhart Boulevard and Leonidas Street

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, October 2, 2024 4:36 PM

New Orleans, LA – Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans (SWBNO) has several major lane closures occurring to accommodate multiple projects throughout the city.

SWBNO contractor, Cycle Construction, will be implementing a temporary intersection closure on S Claiborne Ave at Washington Ave to accommodate asphalt paving preparation.

Work Phase Beginning on Thursday, 10/3 - Friday, 10/11

  • Location: Washington Ave. and S Claiborne Ave. intersection.
  • Work Schedule:  Transmission main and paving preparations and operations.
  • Traffic Impact: The intersection at Washington Ave and S Claiborne will be closed to traffic for approximately one week, weather permitting.

The project is about 80% completed and is currently on track to be substantially completed by the end of October 2024. 

SWBNO contractor, Wallace C Drennan, is performing water main repairs on Earhart Boulevard at Magnolia Street. The contractor will be executing an additional street closure this weekend to facilitate lining to a 30” water main.

Work Phase Beginning on Saturday, 10/5 at 8p.m. from Sunday, 10/6 at 5a.m.

  • Location: Earhart Blvd (river bound) at Magnolia Street
  • Work Schedule: Earhart Blvd (river bound) will be closed beginning at 8p.m. Saturday, 10/5 and opening at 5a.m. Sunday,10/6.
  • Traffic Impact: Earhart Blvd (river bound) at Magnolia St will be closed to through traffic. The closure is occurring after hours to accommodate pipe installation for minimal traffic disruption.
    • The HOV lane will be opened temporarily throughout the overnight closure.

SWBNO contractor, Wallace C Drennan, has been working on sewer upgrades on Leonidas Street between Hickory Street and Cohn Street since Wednesday, August 28, 2024. This work is being done as part of the Sanitary Sewer Evaluation and Rehabilitation Program (SSERP) under Contract 30257. The contractor will continue upgrading the sewer mains and will have additional impacts to traffic on the 1800 block of Leonidas Street detailed below.

Work Phase Beginning on Monday morning, 9/30 and is extended until Friday, 10/11 to accommodate additional point repairs.

  • Location: The 1800 Block of Leonidas Street
  • Work Schedule: Sewer point repairs
  • Traffic Impact: The 1800 Block of Leonidas Street (both lanes) will be closed to through traffic for approximately two weeks, weather permitting. Once the repairs are complete, our contractor will backfill and open the roadway while CCTV footage is being reviewed by our project managers. After post repair CCTV footage is approved, our contractor will close the block off again to accommodate paving.

For all traffic interruptions, signage and traffic control measures such as barrels and fencing are on onsite to direct drivers and pedestrians. Motorists are advised to use caution as large trucks and heavy machinery will be hauling materials in the area.

We appreciate your patience as we upgrade your water and sewer systems.

Questions about these traffic advisories  or Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans should be directed to 504-52-WATER (92837) or


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