Press Releases

Turbine 4 Repair Timeline Announced, Repairs Anticipated Prior to Hurricane Season

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, March 20, 2024 1:20 PM

NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA — The Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans (SWBNO) announces the timeline for repairs to Turbine 4, which has been offline since February 3 due to coolant oil water intrusion issues. Despite diligent repair efforts by contractors and crews, a recent operator error during testing has delayed the return of Turbine 4 to service. The turbine, originally built in 1915, will now require additional parts to be manufactured and replaced.

The repair timeline for Turbine 4 is estimated to take five to seven weeks based on initial estimates by the supplier as well as previous bearing replacement work. However, SWBNO is expeditiously exploring next steps to repair Turbine 4 and complete testing.

Additionally, one of the EMDs (backup generator) also experienced an issue during last weekend’s storm and is currently offline. We are securing parts and expect to repair the generator by the end of this weekend.

In the meantime, SWBNO can generate 38 megawatts of 25 hertz (Hz) power. To properly operate the system’s older pumps, the utility typically needs 44 megawatts of 25Hz power at the city’s highest demand.

In response, SWBNO has outlined a series of immediate steps to address the power shortage, including:

  • Repair the radiator of EMD #1, adding 2.5 megawatts of 25 Hz power (timeline to be determined)
  • Replace the voltage regulator of EMD #2, adding 2.5 megawatts of 25 Hz power (anticipated timeline four to six weeks)
  • Repair the communication device in EMD #3, adding 2.5 megawatts of 25 Hz power (timeline anticipated in four to six days)
  • Repair Frequency Changer #4, adding 6 megawatts of 25 Hz power (anticipated timeline three to five weeks)

“We are at a critical juncture with our rainy season underway and hurricane season looming. In the worst-case scenario, we anticipate entering hurricane season with 51.5 megawatts of 25 Hz power. We expect Turbine 4 will come online before the season, adding 18.5 megawatts of 25Hz power generation capacity,” said SWBNO General Superintendent, Steve Nelson. “However, the current shortfall underscores the importance of enhancing power redundancy and mitigating risks to ensure uninterrupted service.”

Executive Director Ghassan Korban emphasized the critical need for the forthcoming Power Complex. "The Power Complex, slated to come online in 2025, will alleviate our reliance on aging turbines, fortify our utility’s power resilience, and continue our mission toward technology modernizations."

Korban also emphasized the importance of ongoing internal and external investigations aimed at upholding accountability, enhancing procedures, and preventing the recurrence of similar incidents.

“We remain steadfast in our commitment to keeping our community informed as our pumping and power situation evolves,” Korban said.

For real-time updates on SWBNO’s pumping and power status, visit


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