Press Releases

Sewerage and Water Board Launches Storm Center Dashboard, Gives Status Update Ahead of Francine

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, September 11, 2024 8:47 AM

NEW ORLEANS, LA—Today, the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans (SWBNO) launched a Storm Center Dashboard on its website and shared an update on storm readiness ahead of Hurricane Francine to keep New Orleans residents and visitors up to date.

The Storm Center Dashboard ( features:

  • Status updates on SWBNO's four systems: drainage, drinking water, wastewater, and power generation.
  • The latest press releases and updates from SWBNO.
  • Links to resources, including:
    • The National Hurricane Center
    • NOLA Ready
    • Weatherwise from NOLA Ready
    • City Council
    • DOTD Traffic Advisories
    • And more

Currently, the Storm Center Dashboard is linked on the homepage and at the link above. Once the storm hits, will redirect to the Storm Center Dashboard for easy access.

As seen on the Storm Center Dashboard, SWBNO’s operations status is as follows:

Drainage: 90 of 99 drainage pumps are currently available. We are also pumping down drainage canals in preparation for anticipated rain intensities.

Power Generation: SWBNO can generate 70 megawatts of 25-hertz power, the type of electricity needed to power our older pumps.

At this level of operation, SWBNO’s drainage system is expected to perform at full capacity, meaning it can pump out an inch of rain in the first hour and a half-an-inch of rain every hour after.

Drinking Water: Drinking water infrastructure is operating properly at this time.

Wastewater: Wastewater infrastructure is operating properly at this time.

SWBNO will continue to provide updates through our Storm Center Dashboard and in collaboration with the City of New Orleans and the New Orleans Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness.


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